C&EN eBook
Using SFC to Improve Separation Workflows for Drug Analysis and Purification
Brought to you by Shimadzu

Today’s Supercritical Fluid Chromatography (SFC) systems are robust, reliable and easy-to-use, making them widely accepted for analytical and preparative separation of chiral and achiral compounds related to pharmaceutical development. Shimadzu further enhances the user experience by delivering a highly effective integration of analytical SFC, prep SFC and full range of SFC options supported by a unified software platform.

Download this e-book for valuable insights into using SFC for rapid screening of multiple analytical conditions, simplified method development, and purification at laboratory scale.

Key Objectives:
  • Learn about the benefits of using SFC for chiral/achiral separations
  • Discover how a range of solutions, including dedicated software and an HPLC/SFC switching system, speed up method development
  • Obtain information about the use of Prep SFC and emerging SFC applications

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This content was created by Shimadzu, without editorial input from the C&EN Media Group. For more information on C&EN's custom products, visit our C&EN Media Kit.
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