C&EN White Paper
Next-generation protein sequencing advances variant identification
Brought to you by QuantumSi

In their quest to fully understand the proteome, researchers face an identification challenge: Distinguishing individual proteins among the 20,000-plus proteins and over 1 million proteoforms in human cells. Now a benchtop sequencer provides easy access to the analytical resolution needed to continue mapping protein variation.

PlatinumTM, the Next-Generation Protein SequencingTM platform, provides unambiguous amino acid detection at single molecule resolution. Learn how it complements existing protein identification techniques, such as mass spectrometry and immunoassays, while providing deeper insights with unprecedented accessibility.

Key Objectives:
  • Learn the challenges that researchers face in aiming to fully understand the proteome
  • Discover a new platform that leverages next-generation protein sequencing to identify proteins and proteoforms
  • Gain an understanding of how this accessible innovation complements existing lab workflows and techniques such as mass spectrometry and Western blot
  • Learn about several applications including distinguishing variants of the virus that causes COVID-19

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