ACS Interactions

ACS Interactions – Empowering professionals to advance science and shape the future!

Upcoming Interactions:
Location: Yonsei University, South Korea
Date & Time: October 24, 2023 | 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Venue: Yonsei Engineering Research Park, B106 (Main auditorium)
Organizing Committee:
Prof. Hyun Jae Kim
Prof. Jooho Moon
Prof. Jinwoo Cheon 
Dr. Deeksha Gupta | Director - Global Strategy for Society Programs, American Chemical Society
Prof. Kirk Schanze | University of Texas at San Antonio and Editor-in-Chief of ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
Prof. Ashutosh Sharma | IIT Kanpur, President, Indian National Science Academy, Associate Editor, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
Prof. Shu Wang | Chinese Academy of Sciences and Deputy Editor, ACS Applied Bio Materials
10:00-10:10 - Welcome address by Prof. Hyun Jae Kim
10:10-10:55 - "ACS and South Korea: Partners in Progress" by Dr. Deeksha Gupta, Mr. Rajesh Parishwad and Dr. Krishna Raghav Chaturvedi
10:55-11:55 - "Talk to an Editor" - A Panel Discussion on Publishing featuring editors (Profs. Schanze, Wang and Sharma) and moderated by Dr. Deeksha Gupta and Mr. Rajesh Parishwad
11:55-12:00 - Closing Remarks

Whether you are a seasoned researcher, a student, or just have a passion for science, ACS Interactions promises to provide a memorable and informative experience.

The ACS Interactions platform offers a diverse range of activities, including talks on cutting-edge scientific discoveries, thought-provoking leadership discussions, and valuable networking opportunities with like-minded individuals.

The program also covers skill-building workshops focused on scholarly publishing, peer review, ethics and plagiarism, science communication, and career development.

Mark your calendars and secure your spot.
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