Maximize Downstream Control and Efficiency with In-line Concentration Measurement

September 10, 2024
8:00 a.m. PDT, 11:00 a.m. EDT, 16:00 BST, 17:00 CEST - Duration: 60 Minutes


Increase process understanding and shorten time to market of therapeutics using inline variable pathlength spectroscopy. In this webinar we will discuss how the FlowVPX System can be integrated in-line, at different steps in a downstream process, to help reduce cycle time and save money by monitoring and controlling CQA (concentration).  

Key Learning Objectives:
  • Overview of slope spectroscopy and how it differs from traditional fixed-pl uv-vis techniques and instruments.
  • Learning how the FlowVPX System can help increase process understanding, strengthen process control with high quality concentration results, and eliminate hold-up times for increased resource utilization.
  • Analyzing downstream applications for chromatography, ultra-filtration/diafiltration, and formulation.
Who Should Attend:
  • MSAT Director and Scientists
  • Process Development Directors and Scientists
  • Process Analytical Technology Directors and Scientists
  • Biopharma Organizations
  • Downstream Purification for mRNA, pDNA, mABs, fusion proteins, and peptides

Brought to you by:


Jigar Patel
Sr. Bioprocess Applications Engineer,
Punya Bhat
Bio-Analytics Applications Specialist,
Melissa O'Meara
Forensic Science Consultant,
C&EN Media Group


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