Black History Month Celebration
Trailblazers & Pathways
Honoring Excellence in the Chemical Sciences
Join us for an inspiring afternoon as ACS President Dr. Dorothy Phillips invites you to honor the achievements and contributions of Black chemists and scientists in the chemical enterprise. The event will include a fireside chat with guests from various industries and partner organizations sharing their journeys and successes in chemistry and beyond. This free event is open to undergraduate and graduate students pursuing careers in chemistry and chemical sciences.

Let’s honor the past, celebrate the present, and inspire the future!
Program Details:

Wednesday, February 26, 2025, from 3:00 PM - 7:30 PM

Main Program (from 3:00-6:00pm):

National Education Association Auditorium, 1201 16th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20036 (across the street from ACS Headquarters)

  • Welcome from Al Horvath, ACS CEO
  • Keynote Speakers Dr. Phillips, ACS President & Dr. Willie May, AAAS Immediate-Past President
  • Promoting and Advocating for Your Career Q & A
  • Fireside Chat & Panel Discussion

Networking Reception (from 6:00-7:30pm):

ACS Headquarters, 1155 16th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20036  (across the street from NEA)

  • Exhibitors: AISES, AAAS, SACNAS, NOBCChE Student Chapter, ACS Publications, ACS On Campus, ACS Membership, ACS Education, ACS Scientific Advancement, ACS Student Chapters
Registration is now closed
Keynote Speakers:
Dorothy Phillips, PhD - ACS President
Willie May, PhD - Vice President for Research and Economic Development at Morgan State University
Featured Panelists:
Danita Broyles, MS - Director of Quality Assurance, Harmony Biosciences
Victor McCrary, PhD - Vice Chair, National Science Board
Dr. Elisia Clark - Senior Scientist, Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research
Dr. Isaiah Speight - Assistant Professor of Chemistry, William & Mary
Dr. Tyrslai Williams-Carter - Professor of Research, Assistant Dean of Mentoring, Research, & Education, Louisiana State University; President Elect, NOBCChE
Moderator: Nick Perkins, Editor in Chief, Chemical & Engineering News