ACS Interactions

ACS Interactions – Empowering professionals to advance science and shape the future!

A one-stop platform for professionals in academia, business, and government to propel science forward. Together, we can build communities that generate scientific solutions to benefit the planet and its inhabitants.

The ACS Interactions platform offers a diverse range of activities, including talks on cutting-edge scientific discoveries, thought-provoking leadership discussions, and valuable networking opportunities with like-minded individuals.

The program also covers skill-building workshops focused on scholarly publishing, peer review, ethics and plagiarism, science communication, and career development.

Let's work together to advance the broader scientific enterprise and make a positive impact on the world.

Upcoming Interactions:
Location: Delhi NCR Region | 20th & 21st March 2023
Venue: JNU, IIT Delhi, Shiv Nadar Institution of Eminence- Greater Noida
Keynote Speaker: Dr. Laura McConnell
Fellow of the American Chemical Society
Bayer Science Fellow
Bayer Crop Science Regulatory Scientific Affairs
Deputy Editor, ACS Agricultural Science & Technology

Whether you are a seasoned researcher, a student, or just have a passion for science, ACS Interactions promises to provide a memorable and informative experience.

Mark your calendars and secure your spot.
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